Dear Charedi Brothers and Sisters in Uniform,
They're scorning, cursing, threatening and intimidating you.
They're using a despicable word to describe you (Chardak, a play on words from Charedi and charak together(cockroach)). This word was created from their rage and indignation.
In their white shirts and black pants, wearing their black hats, black kippot or streimels, they are looking down at you and trying to terrorize you into submission. There is no talking to them in their current state. Their ears, eyes and and hearts are closed.
They feel enraged, ashamed and betrayed by you. They feel shocked and heartbroken by your choices. Maybe they're your parents, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles, your cousins, your teachers, your rebbes, your friends you went to school with. People who you grew up with. People who want to pound their truth and reality into you....
But that truth and reality is not yours. Yours is a very different truth and a very different reality. You are a strong and committed Eved Hashem (G-d's servant), even if they don't think you are. You have a deep and meaningful relationship with Him just like they do, maybe even more so. You have decided to join His Army. His holy men and women in uniform whose mission it is to protect the Nation of Israel. The painful and derogatory words from your opponents are aimed directly at your heart, like sharp arrows meant to hurt you. But you, my dear brothers and sisters, you remain strong and relatively unscathed. You know what your true G-dly mission is and you stand firmly behind it, despite the naysayers that surround you.
You are strong, brave and resilient and I admire your dedication to what you believe to be true. When I see you with your black kippa, your army uniform and the M16 hanging off your shoulder, just know that my heart swells with pride in you for following your heart where it led you. Just know that in my eyes, you are a holy and beautiful Kiddush Hashem(sanctification of G-d's name), striving to make positive changes to our very hurting nation. The naysayers simply don't realize that you are trailblazers, paving the way for a much brighter future for our family, Am Yisrael. I know how hard it must be for you to stand strong and firm in your beliefs and your mission, but please know in your heart of hearts, that there is at least one mother of future soldiers(and likely thousands of others) that loves you, prays for you and salutes you from the sidelines.
With Love and Admiration,
And at least one Aunt