Sunday, July 17, 2011

G-d's Hand

There are things in this world that we will never understand...Like why children get terminal illnesses and die at young ages...Like why a sweet and innocent child like Leiby Kletzky, Z"L, is the victim of an incomprehensible and gruesome murder...Like why the Holocaust happened and destroyed the lives of millions...Like why some people wait many years for their other half to appear and why others find him/her at a young age...Like why some people are blessed with children while others continually pray for children that never come...

Only G-d knows why. And He has His reasons that we can't (and shouldn't even attempt) to understand. As a believer and as someone who has experienced quite a few trials and tribulations myself, I can say that from my darkest places came my brightest rays of  light. When we are wandering in the darkness, feeling lost and like no one is listening to our anguished prayers, it can often feel like there is no light up ahead. But just as G-d created darkness, He also created light...

Hubby and I share a favorite dvar Torah about when G-d was talking to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Hashem told him "You will never see My face, but you will always see My back"....When we are in the middle of a storm, when our lives seem to be falling apart, we don't see G-d. We only see the pain, the heartache, the tragedy...It's only after the storm subsides that we can see G-d's Hand in everything that's happened to us and only then do we realize that as painful as it was, ultimately, G-d had our best interests at heart right from the very beginning...

I feel tremendously blessed to have witnessed many revealed miracles in my life...Miracles where it was SO clear and obvious to me that G-d had orchestrated every single step and that I was EXACTLY where I was supposed to be at the EXACT time I was supposed to be there.

 May you all experience revealed miracles on a daily basis...

With Love,

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