Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Partner with G-d

Today was probably THE HARDEST day since our baby girl was born two months ago. Early this am, the kids and I went to Tipat Chalav( a child development/medical center) to get my baby girl an immunization. I was told that it that was going to hurt, but that it wouldn't have any side effects. WRONG. My baby girl was completely hysterical,inconsolable, unreachable. No amount of rocking, kissing, hugging, nursing could soothe her. She was actually even too upset to nurse.

This was EXTREMELY difficult for our little boy, as he's only a year and a half old and really needs his Ima's attention, too. In the beginning, he accepted that it wasn't his turn for attention, but when her cries kept continuing on and on, he started to feel upset, too.I gave him a big hug and kiss and said: "Ima is SO proud of you, my little Mitzvah Boy. You have been SO patient all morning. I'm so sorry that we didn't get to spend much quality time together. I'm gonna make you a bottle and you can go have a shluffy. Hopefully things will be much calmer when you wake up". Thank G-d he accepted this and is now sleeping soundly like a little angel.  

Meanwhile, I began to feel my frustration levels rising higher and higher with my little girl. "Why won't you stop crying already? I changed your diaper, gave you a warm bath, gave you a pain killer, held you close, sang to you, kissed you...What more can I do for you?", I asked her (as if she can answer me)...And then suddenly, it struck me. G-d was talking to me through my baby girl, telling me to just let go and trust that this too, shall pass. Finally, she calmed down enough to allow me to nurse her and while I was nursing, I found myself singing a psalm, Mizmor L'David, to her, in my softest and sweetest voice possible.

At that moment, I felt like G-d was in the room with us and that both she and I were being soothed by His presence. It was then that the idea of being a partner with G-d really rang true in my ears. Together with G-d, I was able to find the strength and the patience to soothe both my babies and allow them to fall asleep ever so peacefully like two little angels.

With Love,

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