Monday, February 27, 2012

Music to My Ears

There is no music to my ears that is more beautiful than that of my children's laughter.
Nothing in the world brings me more joy than their joy.

My two year old has many sweet pastimes, but my absolute favorite one is when he intentionally attempts to make his sister laugh. This happens on a daily basis and I must say that my little girl finds her big brother to be hysterically funny...So much so, that sometimes, he will succeed in getting her to laugh incessantly, from the deepest place in her little belly.

We are now in the month of Adar...Mishenichnas Adar Marbin B'Simcha(When the month of Adar arrives, we increase our joy!). During this month, we recall the miracle of Purim, when our ancestors were saved from destruction by the evil Haman.

As their Ima (Mom),  I feel as though it's my job to keep that Adar feeling in our home all year round. To sing with them, laugh with them, act silly with them....To lose all inhibitions and join their sweet, innocent and fun loving world...
I'm all for increasing joy during Adar, but why shouldn't that joy carry over throughout the rest of the year???

With Love,